Tuesday, July 3, 2007

More Quotes

Found a few more quotes written on random pieces of paper:

- Lay people have another word for this, they call it bullshit.

- That's right, another Friday evening without a date.

- Laywers are always wrong, but they're rich.

- You ever see a lawyer in the library? Get over it!

- Your'e alwys wrong in the law, but get the hell over it.

- They're testing whether you can speak english.

- They're not looking for fabulous, get over it.

- They're looking for sheep. You can be a goat and pass the NV bar exam. But we're looking for sheep. People who are munching their way through the meadon pass.

- Unless you're a speed freak or dropped some meth before starting the exam, you can't do both.

- They can only grade sheep.

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